Summer has been off to a good start....I haven't been able to sew as much as I would like to, we have had lots of company and tons of fun around here...I thought I would share a few of the things I have been working on for Early Work Mercantile...
For summer I just love stars, stripes, red, white and blue..First of is a star table runer...I had all
of these great pieces of different wools, I love the way it turned out...I think this would look great left out all summer...

Next is this Americana pin-keep with a punch needle pocket...

Last is Beitris with her arms full of fire crackers and a flag already to party on the 4th...I made three of them...Two already have good homes...But one is still looking for a home....Maybe tonight she will find one....
That is all for me.....Thanks so much for stopping by and for your kind comments they make my day...
Take care and enjoy the 4th,