I'm so excited the Christmas season is upon us....I just love this time of year...I'm still decorating, just when I think I'm done I think of something else that might be fun to decorate...I know it is never ending...I love Christmas stitching, I'm sure like many of you I have about a zillion Christmas thing started and it will probably take me about ten years to finish all of them...But my thinking is do I really care how long it take me... It sure doesn't stop me from starting a new project...LOL...
Here are a few of the thing I have been working on for Early Work Mercantile...This time of year I can't seam to get enough wool project done....I just love working with wool....I have piles of wool all over my sewing room, I know it sounds crazy, but I just like look at all the colors and textures....Now you know one more of my crazy obsessions

I hope you enjoy the holiday season and that you finish a few of the Christmas project I now you have started...LOL....
Thanks so much for all the kind comments they make my day...
Take care,