I hope you are enjoying your summer....I know most of the US. is in blistering heat as for us in the pacific north west we are finally getting summer.....Yesterday we hit a whopping 75 degrees....I have been spending most of my time stitching while watching the grand-kids swim...With a sweat shirt on...If we have sun the kids want to swim, even is it is only 65 degrees....Oh, to be young....
I thought I would post the projects I finished for Early work Mercantile tonight...
First off is my own design...A fun sampler I stitched with cross stitches, darning stitches, a couching over dyed silk ribbon on natural linen...

Next is a pin-keep...Lately I can't seam to stitch enough of these...

OK.....I couldn't stand it any longer I had to stitch something Halloween.....My Pumpkin Head Girl is a design from Country Stitches, I just love her, she makes me laugh....She is stitched on natural linen with over dyed floss
I have my fingers cross that we get more warm weather....It feels like a little bit of heaven to be able to stitch outside while the grand-kids swim...
I hope it isn't to hot where you are....Thanks so much for stopping by and for the kind comments, they make my day...Take care, Nancy