This is a picture of Katie, my favorite red head...She is always kidding me about only posting on my blog pictures of the grand kids...Now I am in big trouble, because she will tell me that this is a terrible picture of herself...But I think she looks super cute..I am on my way to visit Katie in her new, very first apartment....Her personality match her red hair....Really fun and a little crazy.....

The quilt and pillows I just finished for Katie's new room...as far as she is concerned the wilder the fabrics the better...I thought she might like these fun prints designed by Amy Butler...
A far cry from the time worn fabric that I usually work with...I am hoping that they turned out crazy enough for her....LOL

Last of all I start working on the mystery Birds of a Feather sampler from Brenda Gervais....I have to say I am loving every stitch and hope to stay on track to finish it by the end of the summer...Only time will tell, because of every else I have started....But for right now this is the project of my chose...But all of you stitching addicts out there know that tomorrow something else might catch my eye...But that is always the fun of this form of artwork....
That is all the fun facts I have for today....Thanks so much for stopping by.....And as always your kind comments make my day.....
Happy Stitching, Nancy