Yahoo....Out of the hundreds of project that I have started (well maybe hundreds is a exaggeration or maybe not) and have been telling all of you fun people out in blog land about, I finished four of them...First off is my flower pin-keep...The cross stitch design came for a antique sampler.....I love any thing that is old and rusty, so I thought the old key and beads might be a nice touch....

Next I moved to wool applique for a candle mat....

Next is my wool appliqued pillow....I have this thing for pillows, I never think a girl can have to many...

My last finish is a wool appliqued strawberry table mat...The appliqued designs I just finished came from Primitive Gathering.
That is what I finished this week....I will be listing all of these items on Early Work Mercantile tonight....If you have the time I would love it if you could stop by and take a look...
That is all the fun facts I have for today.....Thanks so much for all the kind comments, you make my day.....Take care, Nancy