So sorry... it has been two weeks since my last posts....So much for posting more often...Well, I guess I will have to try harder next week, but I have to say I have been spending all my free time in my sewing room I wish I liked my computer as much as I like my sewing machine...I find my sewing machine a lot more friendly...
I love this little cupid from country stitches...

Here are a few of the things I have been working on...And the items I am offering tonight on Early work Mercantile....I must say I'm seeing heart every where even when I sleep, I have stitched and sewn so many...I thought I was just about done with hearts and going to move on to bunnies...But my sister Angie just called and said her home needed something fun for Valentines day so I have some great new red fabric that I haven't used yet, now I have an excuse to use it...I guess there will be a couple more hearts before I move on to bunnies...

I hope there are lovely people like me out in blog land...I have sewn all day long and the man of my dreams is going to be home in one hour and I look like a train wreck and there is'nt the tiniest bit of dinner ready.....So what to do...I guess I better scramble and try to look presentable and fix a yummy dinner....No more sewing or blogging for me today....Thanks for all your kind comments and for stopping by....You know that you make my day, Nancy