I must say I am a little reluctant to share with all my new friends in blog land a condition I have had for many years. I believe I am holiday challenged ...

You see I still have all my spring and Easter decoration up in my home...

Maybe it is because we have had an unusual amount of rain this year in the northwest.

And I love how bright and happy the spring colors make my home feel when is it gray and dark outside.

Or maybe because it has been a little busy around here at the McKenna homestead....

Well what ever the reason... today is the day we go from Easter and spring to summer.

So out come the flags, fire works, watermelons, and sunflowers.... Wish me luck this project could take all day.... The weather man is saying that Saturday should be sunny with temperature all most in the 80's. I hope he is right, I'm ready for summer.
I'm hoping your weather is beautiful and you have plenty of time to stitch, Nancy